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Sunday, November 27, 2011

10 Skyrim Console Commands

Many they can be addressed with console to govern, what accessed by using ` lock, without really chooses to outright cheated.

Let us pays attention to console list to govern, in order of potential usefulness:

 Reanimates – types this thing in console after election a NPC with clicking in him (her to start s (he returns, especially useful when someone murdered without intending by a misplacing oscillation of weapons or incantation;

 set essential < base_id> 0/1 - create every endless NPC or killed, useful to dungeon them where friends had a tough time of which ready to live because hateful player of solo go, with most IDs available here;

 playermoda < attribute> < number of> - targets health, carry weight, endurance, magical and melee damage and of all modifications to apply after a game is loaded, useful because increasing carries weight mostly as other usages is deceptive border line because they can make a very character reality;

 addfac < variable> 1 – moves a NPC to a faction, applies 19809 codes to make someone a target for nuptials, even depend on choice some glitches there will be;

 equip item < formed> - accustomed to strength a NPC ( mostly the followers) to equip one items from their inventory, useful because making them to apply a better weapon compared to of they which is preferred;

 Show inventory – shows a character inventory after you has chosen a character with clicking in they;

 fob < value> – players to see more to which leaved and belonging of their weapons, receives more supremacies Skyrim, but considering that basis value is 75 and experiment to see what is working best for you;

 Time schedule set by to # - storey dome where time moved, with 1 is being real time flows and the 16 assumptions, can assisting with bursa/stock and merchant money releases.

Two which is final cheated governs an a few:

 add item < base_id> < value> - useful when adding money a merchant to free matter, with F the  1000 codes to add gold;

 Playeradditem < base_id> < value> - adds matter for inventory is being cheating unless you require adding an investigation item for an investigation which bugged.

Public has attached item list Id code here.


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